The dictionary definition for the word “hybrid” reads as ” something (as a power plant, vehicle, or electronic circuit) that has two different types of components performing the same function”. Hybrid car and hybrid PC are good examples. A hybrid car consumes less fuel and emits less CO2. Hybrid PC combines the convenience of the tablet and the keyboard support of a PC. Therefore, a hybrid is an advancement over the pedigreed version bringing out value additions to the end-user.

“Egyptian Sphinx – a forebear to hybrid”. Image Courtesy : www.freeimages.com

We, at Brand Kare, were inspired by the concept of hybrid products. We felt that this could be replicated in the consulting model to bring multiplier effect for the brand’s growth.

Let’s face it; in this fast-moving world of technology and innovation, one-dimensional marketing is just not going to cut it. Your marketing strategies need to evolve to meet new demands. Without a multi-channel approach, you’re missing out on tons of engagement. Contrary to what you might think, new-age marketing is not all that you need. Traditional marketing methods are far from dead. Combining these tried-and-tested tools with digital marketing makes for a potent combination that you can use to reach customers – whether it’s B2C or B2B marketing.

That’s exactly what we do at Brand Kare – hybrid marketing. A lethal blend of both strategies.

At Brand Kare, we take our in-depth knowledge in conventional marketing and combine it with cutting-edge digital marketing tools. This powerhouse funnels sales and engagement to exactly where you need them.

What Does A Hybrid Marketing Campaign Look Like?

So how do you make sure that you reach your customers through both online and offline channels?

Easy. A hybrid marketing campaign combines digital marketing tools like

➔    SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

➔    Social Media Marketing

➔    Email Marketing, etc

… with traditional marketing tools like

➔    Flyers

➔    Print ads

➔    TV ads, etc

This way, your customer has a thoroughly consistent experience, right from physical experience, to what he sees on screen and print.

What You Get When You Sign Up

Our experienced team at Brand Kare takes a personal interest in the success of your marketing campaign. We start on your hybrid marketing campaign only after obtaining a clear picture of your brand values, business model, and customer base. This allows us to tailor a hybrid marketing strategy that is unique to your brand and built to fulfill exact requirements.

To get started on your winning hybrid marketing strategy, get in touch with us now!

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