Concept Evaluation Study on Senior Citizens

Senior Citizens


The client is a service provider focused on offering caretaker services to senior citizens, aiming to improve their quality of life and provide companionship.


The client sought to conduct a market study to assess the feasibility and acceptance of their concept among the target audience, primarily senior citizens and their families.



The study involved a multi-faceted approach to gather insights from both senior citizens and their families. The research was conducted to explore the emotions, challenges, and needs of senior citizens, particularly focusing on issues such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, health concerns, and boredom.

  • In-Home Interviews: Researchers visited the homes of senior citizens and interviewed them, as well as their children or family members, to understand their perspectives on the concept of caretaker services.


    The study revealed significant insights into the challenges faced by senior citizens and the potential for caretaker services to address their needs:

  • Emotional Wellbeing: Despite claiming overall happiness, many senior citizens reported experiencing anxiety, depression, and loneliness, particularly those living alone. These emotional challenges significantly impacted their quality of life and mental wellbeing.

  • Health Concerns: Senior citizens faced various health issues that affected both their physical and mental health, contributing to their overall stress and discomfort.

  • Social Isolation: Seniors, especially those living alone, expressed feelings of isolation and boredom, highlighting the need for companionship and social interaction.

  • Acceptance of Caretaker Services: The concept of caretaker services was generally well-received among respondents, with many expressing interest in accessing such support to alleviate their loneliness and improve their quality of life.