
Surveys are highly efficient, cost-effective ways to conduct Quantitative Market Research. They are flexible, easily understandable and help us gather the information that we need. Surveys are applicable when we want to reach a specific audience.

Our Market Research services are not just confined to providing you with the Research findings alone; we also suggest our insightful recommendations based on our experience in the field, which will help your business.

Survey Methods include


Designing the Research instrument, i.e. Questionnaire should be done with utmost accuracy and precision. Each survey question should address a particular objective. Long questionnaires with irrelevant questions serve no purpose. The Questionnaire should be well structured and capable of meeting the required objectives of the study.

Below mentioned are some of the contexts in which Surveys are used

  • Determining the target audience, market profiling, market segmentation
  • Determining market size and market share
  • Understanding the target customers, their opinions, preferences, brand attitudes, expectations, purchase intention, etc
  • Understanding the consumer feedback on your products, customer satisfaction, their acceptability, usage & attitude analysis, etc
  • Concept testing, product testing, package testing, feasibility study, new product acceptance
  • Product positioning surveys, brand equity study, pricing research
  • Market Mapping, Retail Audit, Sales forecasting, Sales force effectiveness survey
  • Surveys to study Advertising effectiveness, brand awareness
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